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Welcome to the West Sacramento Little League!

Frequently Asked Questions

When does Spring registration start?

Spring season online registration opens every year in the fall. Registration for the spring 2026 season will open in October 2025 and close the second week of January 2026. 

When does Spring season start/end?

The Spring season starts in the middle of February and goes to the beginning of June. (Practices start in mid-Feb and games begin in March.)

When does fall season start/end?

The WSLL does not currently offer a fall season. 

I live outside WSLL boundaries, but go to a school within.  Can my child play?

In the registration process, you will be requested to upload a school form (e.g., screenshot of current Aeries demographic page) or document in place of proof of Residency and indicate what school the player goes to.

Where can I find the game schedule?

Schedule are available after the season starts in March. The coaches pick their practice day and time after the player draft or allocation. There is no way to know the schedule until after the teams have been selected. You will be notified with the schedule and practice schedule once your manager/coach informs you. We will also have it posted online once one is made.

How many practices and games will there be?

We give Managers two practice locations per week. It is up to the manager if they would like to utilize both days or not. Once games start practices will lessen, due to lack of fields. Practices are anytime between 4pm - dark.  It’s up to the manager to determine how many and how long each practice is. Weekday games are usually in the evenings at 5:30 pm and Saturday games are at various times. We will schedule 14 games per team in the season, however due to rain outs not all 14 are promised to be made up. 

What level should my child play in? T-ball, Rookie, AA, AAA or Majors? 50/70 and up?

Generally the divisions are divided by age. Please check your players birth month and year in the table at this link provided here if you want to know their league age

Prior experience and skill are also factors in determining a player’s division. A player may be placed in a higher or lower division if there is a safety risk. Division managers assign T-Ball, Rookie and Single A players by age. For AAA and Majors, we hold a tryout/player evaluation and a “draft” in where coaches come together to select their teams.

T-ball (players 4-5 years old)

Players 4 years old must play here, and it is encouraged for 5 year olds that haven't played before.

Rookie (players 5-6 years old) 

Games played on the tee ball field and has soft pitches thrown by the coaches. Players 5 years old encouraged to play here if they have played tee ball previously. Players 6 years old that haven't played before, or who may not be ready for single a, encouraged to play hear.

Single A (players 6-8 years old)

Games played on bigger field and the "blue flame" pitching machine is used to throw pitches. Players 6 years old that have played Rookie, or 2 seasons of tee ball, encouraged to play here.

AA (players 7-9 years old)
Games played on bigger field and the players pitch. Coaches will step in to pitch the balance of strikes, consistent with the League Rules. Players 7 years old that have played Single A are encouraged to play here. Players that go to tryouts for the AAA division and are not chosen by a team will be placed on a AA team.

AAA and Majors (players 8-12 years old)

Players 8-11 years old are eligible for AAA, and 10-12 for Majors. All players registering in this division must come to one of the two tryouts we will schedule towards the end of January. Once tryouts are completed, teams are chosen by the managers. Please note that your child will be available to be chosen for the highest division based on their age. For example, if your child is 10 and is not chosen by a Majors team, he will then be chosen by a manager in AAA. The player agent does not place players in this age group on teams or divisions, therefore requests for a player to be "moved up" a division can't be done.

50/70 (For players 13 years old) 

This division bridges the gap from going from 46' mounds and 60' base paths in Little League to 60' mounds and 90' base paths in Junior leagues and above. This implements 50' mounds and 70' base paths. Teams typically play at Bridgeway Lakes and travel in the Sacramento area to play other teams.

Juniors (For players 13-14 years old)

Played at regulation field size (60/90). Players must attend a tryout. Teams chosen at draft by managers. Teams typically play at Bridgeway Lakes and travel in the Sacramento area to play other teams.

Seniors (players 15-16 years old) 

Season details based on interest from our registration, as well as surrounding leagues. The senior season will not conflict with the high school baseball season. 

Are there tryouts?

We hold assessments in the spring season for players that want to tryout for AAA division or above. Typically that is 9 year old league age and older. These players must attend assessments to be drafted onto a team. All players who do not attend the assessment in the AAA and above divisions will not be eligible for Allstars and will be  hat pick in the draft.  

Does everyone make the team?

Yes, every player will be assigned to a team or drafted to a team. Their individual skill level and age will determine the division in which they play.

What equipment do I need for my child?

Every player will need a glove. It is also recommended that players have their own bats and helmets. If you are buying your own bat, please ensure that the bats are approved by Little League International. If you are unable to provide the equipment for your player, each team will have an equipment bag with bats, helmets and catching gear for your player to use.

What are the rules on approved bats?

Click here for Little League's most current bat information.

Who do I talk to at WSLL if I have a problem after the season starts?

The first step in communication should be with your child’s manager. The next level of communication is contacting the information officer at [email protected]

Are scholarships available?

The WSLL does not want to exclude any child from playing due to a financial hardship. If you need financial assistance, please email [email protected] for details.

Will there be pictures taken of our team?

Yes, your manager or team parent will communicate the time and location to the team.  Your spring registration fee includes a small picture package, to be determined.

Does the league use sponsors?

Yes, sponsorship is very important for WSLL to maintain the fields and continuous improvements and upgrades to the facilities.   More information is available by clicking Sponsorships on the main page. If you know of a company or business interested in being a sponsor within our league, please email us here.

Can I request that my son or daughter play on a specific team or with specific players?

The only way we can guarantee the player will be assigned to the specific team is that the parent/guardian of the players is a coach or the manager of the team. For lower divisions ( T-ball , Rookie, A, AA) one manager, and 2 staff positions will be granted per team at the managers request. ( staff could be Assistant Coach's or Team Parents). The rest of the volunteers will be random drafted to a team. AAA and above: only the Manager is chosen before the draft. After the draft the registered volunteers that children were drafted on can be put on the roster as Assistant Coach's or Scorekeepers. 

How many coaches are there per team?

In most cases there is 1 team manager and 2 assistant coaches.

How can I become a Manager or Coach or approved Volunteer?

Select the Volunteer option when you register your player online at and complete the required information. Once you complete a background check, you will be contacted by the league with details prior to the start of the new season.

Refund Policy?

Refunds can be made up until uniforms are ordered (typically in late February). We are a non-profit, self-supporting program. Registration fees cover uniforms, equipment upgrade, pictures, insurance, little league international fees and city fees.


Each family is required to pay one work deposit.  To earn back the deposit, each family must either:

1. Manage a team.

2. Be one of the 2 named and rostered coaches on a team.

3. Be the Team Parent on a team (Single A and below) OR be one of the two named scorekeepers on a team (AAA and above). 

4.  Work 2 shifts in the Snack Bar and sign in as directed each time so hours can be tracked.  IT IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY TO GET YOUR HOURS VERIFIED BY A BOARD MEMBER BEFORE YOU LEAVE YOUR SHIFT.  Failure to have your hours verified BEFORE YOU LEAVE YOUR SHIFT may result in you having to work another shift to receive credit for your hours.


Work Deposit refunds will be issued back upon completion of your volunteer hours throughout the season and hours being verified by the WSLL. 

If you have not completed your volunteer hours by closing day, there are still opportunities to work off your volunteer hours by working the snack bar during the Tournament of Champions, All-Stars tournaments or the WSLL Fireworks booth.

All Managers must return their equipment before their refund will be issued.  Please be advised that no refunds will be issued to the Manager, two named coaches, and two named scorekeepers until their team's equipment has been returned and a release of the work deposit refund has been authorized by the Equipment Manager.

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